Lent Courses

Birch Hall Adventures is starting a new initiative this February and March. During the period of Lent we are running a series of craft and well-being classes aimed at adults. The classes begin at 09:45 include morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea. We aim to finish the day at 16:30. To book your place click here

14 February 2024Lentern Reflections and Prayer Workshop
Spend a day preparing for lent and looking forward to Easter. There will also be the option for a walk at Birch Hall.
28 February 2024Cake Decorating
Learn a range of piping techniques, experiment with different colours & styles on some fairy cakes before undertaking a bigger project
6 March 2024Easter Card Making
Discover a joy for making your own cards. Using different crafting skills create a set of Easter themed cards for sharing with friends and family.
13 March 2024Metal Casting
Using the sand casting method learn the process of creating small artefacts in metal. Create a pattern of your own design and then reproduce this in metal.
20 March 2024Bird Making
Create a beautiful papier maché bird sculpture in this workshop. Learn the crafting and modelling skills to create a creature with realistic charm and character.
27 March 2024Landscape Drawing/Painting
Spend time observing and drawing the spectacular backwaters scenery at Birch Hall before returning to the centre to develop and refine your work.

Our Tutors:

Peter Law is the minister in charge at Kirby Evangelical church and a member of the trustee board for Birch Hall Adventures. He has spent many years in the middle east as a missionary in Jordan. He has a heart for Christian ministry and will lead our workshop on prayer.
Emma Hall is our Catering Manager here at Birch Hall Adventures. She has worked in hospitality for 11 years including at Essex University. She has a passion for creativity and baking and will lead the course on cake decorating.
Betty Barklem has a background in administration and started crafting after major surgery. Since retiring she has continued to develop her passion for craft and makes cards and delivers card making classes. Her attention to detail is exceptional and her crafting skills will impress.
Alex Phillips is the centre director at Birch Hall Adventures, prior to this role he taught design for 19 years. He is an enthusiastic and experienced metalcrafter and will teach both design and casting techniques.
Ruth Carter is a experienced crafter, dressmaker and jeweller who exhibits at craft fairs and local galleries. Her bird scupltures are charming, realistic and delicate and we’re so pleased she will be running our sculpting course.
Simon Carter is an English artist and curator. He studied at Colchester Institute and then North East London Polytechnic. Often described as a ‘painter’s painter’, solo exhibitions of Carter’s paintings have been held by The SEA Foundation, Tiburg; Messum’s, London and Firstsite, Colchester.

On booking you will receive a confirmation email with further details and a request for any dietary requirements. If there is anything that you need to bring, or is recommended to bring, we will let you know. At the end of each day there will be tea and cake and then a bible thought for Easter provided by one of the course tutors or staff team at Birch Hall. We would love it if you would join us for this part of the day, but feel free to depart after tea and cake if you would prefer.